

Majeed Salifu is currently the College Secretary of the College, a position he has held since 11th March, 2016. He has extensive management experience as a Human Resource Officer with the Ghana Education Service.

Salifu Majeed is a product of Zongo Primary School - Tumu, Tumu JSS, Kanton Secondary School and Tumu Training College. He sat the GCE ‘A’ Level as a Private Candidate after his professional training as a teacher. An alumnus of the University of Ghana, He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Masters of Philosophy degree in Public Administration and Public Policy Analysis option. He also holds Masters in Educational Administration and Management from the University of Education, Winneba. He is currently pursuing a PhD. programme in Social Administration at the University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, (UBIDS) Wa.

Salifu Majeed has two (2) publication to his credit with the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, Journal of Education and Practice.